Royal Albert Hall

On Sunday 30th April, eighteen children from Diamond Class (Y5/6) went with their teachers and parents to The Royal Albert Hall to be part of the Royal Albert Hall Gala Concert for Hertfordshire Schools.
They travelled into London on a coach and the views through the city were breath-taking.
The 2023 Gala was entitled “Give Life Back to Music” and featured a massed primary and secondary school choir accompanied by the Hertfordshire Schools’ Symphony Orchestra. There were also performances from dance groups, an a capella choir and the Suzuki strings group, which featured violinists who could have been no more than four or five years old. |
It was all excellent. The Royal Albert hall is such an impressive place to visit but actually being inside, part of the performance was amazing. It was such a great experience for the children and one we fully intend to repeat in future years.
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