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Ofsted & Statutory Inspection Anglican Methodist Schools Report

Our Latest Ofsted Report

For the full report, please see the link below

Our latest Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report 

School strengths:

  • The Christian vision is clearly understood by the school community and lived out by pupils and adults. This results in an inclusive, welcoming environment.
  • The uniqueness of each individual is treasured. Leaders prioritise mental health and wellbeing alongside academic achievements so that pupils can flourish in a nurturing environment.
  •  Collective Worship is central to the life of the school. Pupils and adults worship joyfully through song, prayer and reflection. It is enriched by a strong partnership with the local church.
  • The curriculum is carefully balanced to meet the needs of pupils through support and challenge. Pupils benefit from a variety of extra activities which develop their skills and talents.
  •  Pupils fulfil a wide range of responsibilities within school. This gives them opportunities to make a positive difference by acting as agents for change.

Areas for development:

  • Develop a clear language for spirituality that is understood and articulated confidently by pupils and adults. This is so that opportunities for spiritual development have a positive impact on learning and wellbeing.
  • Embed enquiry skills and opportunities for deep questioning across the RE curriculum. This is to ensure that pupils’ understanding of world religions, beliefs and alternative views is broadened

For the full SIAMS report, please see the document below.